Silvergate-112 project

These pages describe the "Silvergate-112: Assistive Medical and Social Monitoring and Alarm System – An Integrated Approach" project.

The project obtained a grant from the Hungarian National Office for Research and Technology in December 2007. The short name of the project is sgate112 or sgate.

Project summary

The evolution of information technology and telecommunications, especially the spread of embedded systems and data communications networks opens new possibilities. One of their promising applications, targeted by this project, is assistive applications, among others systems monitoring and helping the elderly, the handicapped and those that need rehabilitation or depend on nursing care. Besides their social importance, assistive applications have great economic significance as well: they create new market opportunities for the economy (cf. ‘silver economy’), and they make it easier to preserve or even improve the quality of health and social care services at a sustainable rate of public spending.

Former researches produced a long line of devices and technologies, and today it is necessary to integrate them using the existing (basic) research results: interoperable marketable products and an open system to host them. The objective of the Silvergate-112 project is to create devices with standardised interfaces and a scalable integration technology that organises devices and services to provide novel services with extended functionality, which would be impossible without integration.

Consortium members and their team leaders 

Consortium member's name ~ short name
Team leader's name
Profitexpert Informatics Ltd. PEX József Pillmann
Innomed Medical Developing and Manufacturing Inc. INNOMED Sándor Hargittai
Biomedical Engineering Knowledge Centre, Budapest University of Technology and Economics BME EMT Péter Hanák
Institute for Industrial Telecommunication Technologies, Bay Zoltán Research Foundation BZAKA IKTI Csaba Megyesi
ALBACOMP Computers Corporation ALBACOMP György Dosztál

The leader of the consortium is PEX, the project leaderJózsef Pillmann (PEX), his technology deputy is Péter Hanák (BME EMT).

Project Budget

Consortium member
Own contribution Total without VAT Total with VAT
PEX 49 500 24 900 74 400 77 984
INNOMED 111 410 63 410 174 820 179 320
BME EMT 80 455 0 80 455 80 455
BZAKA IKTI 80 455 0 80 455 81 865
ALBACOMP 0 18 000 18 000 19 080
321 820 106 310 428 130 438 704

Amounts are given in thousand HUFs.

Project schedule

Phase Start End Content
31-10-2008 Deployment of system concepts, overview of system components, requirements analysis, functional specification, system design
#2 01-11-2008 31-08-2009 Functional specification, design, pilot system development, business model elaboration
#3 01-09-2009
31-08-2010 Laboratory and pilot tests, public presentation of results